Amazon Tears - Through Her Eyes Newly Added


The film, Amazon Tears - Through Her Eyes provides a rare opportunity to meet the women of the Peruvian Amazon, as they face rapid changes in their remote area, due to international industry, technology and population growth.

Since 2003 the government has leased more than 70% of the Peruvian Amazon to oil companies, forever altering the way of life along the river. Each woman opens up about the reality of their day-to-day existence, challenges, relationships and hopes for their future.


1. Introduction (Lilian and Ines)
The village of Santa Clotilde is introduced and Lilian gives an overview of the changes in respect to work, technology and population growth. Then we meet Ines, who represents the older generation, sharing what life was like then as compared to now.

2. Looking in from the Outside (Liz)
Liz is a Canadian missionary who has lived in Santa Clotilde since 1992. She shares valuable insight into the lives of the women and what their future may hold.

3. Mothers and Daughters (Neo and Anagaly)
Neo overcame her humble beginnings to find success as a nurse in the local hospital. Her daughter, Anagaly, following in her footsteps studied for many years, in order to return and work along side her mother.

4. Trying to Embrace Change (Mother Socorro)
Mother Socorro runs the boarding school and she has witnessed more young girls attending than ever before. She is hopeful and enjoys the technological advancements the village has undergone.

5. Living on the Edge (Jasmina and Mariol)
Another mother and daughter, surviving only on the food they grow in their small gardens. Unable to find work, the economic advancements in their village will not improve their day-to-day life.

6. Fighting Against Injustice
We revisit Lilian, in order to understand the cultural loss. She has watched traditions simply fade away. Her work in community development is aligned with her passion to give women a voice, better healthcare and a strong future through education.

Amazon Tears - Through Her Eyes

